

All About Cortnie

Cortnie Loren Miller has a passion for people, movement, and healing arts. She first experienced the joy and transformative power of movement and alternative healing arts as a teen, when she developed a disciplined yoga practice, and worked with a Tibetan medicine doctor. She began studying dance and acting when she was 8 years old. In all of these, she discovered the tremendous potential for strength and healing, and has spent the bulk of her adult life immersed in the study and practice of a variety of healing and creative arts and disciplines.

Continuously advancing her craft, Cortnie studies with leading thinkers and teachers of traditional, avant-garde, and holistic approaches to wellness and strength.

Cortnie is known for her precision and attention to detail in her teaching, and the care with which she works with each person. She energetically guides each client through a personalized, integrated program of classical Pilates, nutrition, and other practices. A spirited, dynamic, and dedicated teacher, Cortnie inspires, and challenges, her clients to reach and maintain their wellness goals.